Approach + Services
Research based design
At MTA all design work is based on detailed research of the site, market and any other contributing factors. MTA has the ability to produce detailed feasibility studies to determine the right program for all projects.
This is part of MTA's commitment to help create sustainable, profitable and lasting developments.
The research is not only based on market data and analysis but also looking at design trends, new technologies and strategies.

Detailed 3D Design Modelling
Using the latest software and detailed 3D modeling MTA is truly able to deliver a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) product.
Every aspect of the design is created in 3D, allowing for clients, end users and other consultants to have a complete picture of the design. MTA offers accurate and realistic videos fly-throughs to show what it would be like to walk through and be in the spaces of the project.
MTA has been using BIM since 2013.

MTA provide design services from the the initial planning stages through to full documentation.

MTA uses extensive research and analysis, both commericially & culturally, to inform their design process.

MTA specializes in commercial mixed-use developments in the South East Asia region. Or as MTA describes them - the new community centers. MTA approaches each project first with a focus on research, market analysis and the boundaries of the brief set by the client. MTA’s expertise is in the ability to understand the key factors in designing a successful development. MTA designs highly efficient commercial projects - Grand Kamala Lagoon achieved 78% NLA .
MTA has a strong understanding of the elements that are needed for a successful and long lasting retail center - tenancy mix, customer markets, site influences, customer conveniences, circulation, retail planning, façade design, entry design, uniqueness and branding, choice of materials and so forth, are some of the critical factors which drive the generation of a mall whether it is a greenfield site or an existing mall. MTA with it’s local and international team of architects will draw upon years of experience in shopping center design, urban planning and interior desing to bring a concept design to reality.
MTA is also focused on environmental sustainability. When the project permits MTA will encourage alternative methods of construction, use and operations to create a project that reduces the impact on the environment and in turn the cost for a client.
MTA provides the full range of design services for architecture, interiors, landscape and master planning: research, analysis, sketch concepts, program development, concept design, design development, tender documentation and construction documentation.
The New Community Center

MTA works closely with our feasability partners, RES, to establish the requirements for a project.

MTA memiliki spesialisasi di campuran pengembangan komersial di wilayah Asia Tenggara. MTA melakukan pendekatan untuk setiap proyek dengan penelitian, analisis pasar dan batas-batas yang ditentukan oleh klien. Keahlian MTA adalah kemampuan untuk mengerti faktor penting dalam mendesain pengembangan yang sukses.
MTA memiliki pemahaman yang kuat dalam elemen penting yang diperlukan untuk mencapai shopping center yang suksea dan tahan lama- tenancy mix, market konsumen, pengaruh lokasi, sirkulasi konsumen/kendaraan/penyewa, perencanaan ritel, desain tampak muka, desain pintu utama, keunikan dan branding, ketepata materi adalah salah satu faktor kritis yang mendorong konsep sebuah mall, apakah itu lahan kosong ataupun mall yang sudah berdiri. MTA dengan tim arsitek lokal dan internasional mengunakan pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam shopping center, perencaan tata kota, dan interior untuk memberikan desain konsep menjadi nyata.
MTA juga fokus dalam pelestarian lingkungan. Saat proyek yang dikerjakan memperkenankan, MTA mendukung metode alternatif untuk konstruksi, pengunaan dan pengoperasian untuk menciptakan proyek yang mengurangi dampak pada lingkungan dan pada akhirnya menghemat biaya untuk klien.